Who Am I?

I am drawn to psychotherapy because I believe that seeing ourselves with a clear vision can help us to make lasting changes in our lives. Having received both great comfort and liberation through various mindfulness and self-compassion practices, I strive to also share these tools with my clients. My greatest joys have come from witnessing growth and healing. I find inspiration in the world around me through hiking in nature, exploring creative pursuits, and actively seeking out new ways to develop authentic, honest relationships with colleagues, friends, family and community members.
Before diving into the field of psychotherapy, I spent many years in the non-profit sector, where I worked with diverse populations who often lacked critical services and support. For over a decade I dedicated my life to empowering adolescent girls, and helping young adults create meaningful vocations. I have a strong belief in the power of compassion to help heal ourselves and our communities. I am deeply committed to my work as a therapist and have benefited tremendously from my own psychotherapy.
I earned a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Sarah Lawrence College and a master's degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). I have extensive training in inter-personal group therapy, and believe that immense healing can take place in the presence of a supportive community.
I wish in the city of your heart
you would let me be the street
where you walk when you are most
yourself. I imagine the houses:
It has been raining, but the rain
is done and the children kept home
have begun opening their doors.
- Robley Wilson
Phone: 415-255-3305 - Email: [email protected]
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #109298
Practicing through the auspices of Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #109298
Practicing through the auspices of Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center.